Get Involved

Apply for membership in the Staff Council

If you would like to become a part of Staff Council, please let us know!

Annually (usually in the spring), those who are eligible are contacted via email for their interest in serving on Staff Council. If there is more than one eligible person per open position available, an election will be held. If the number of interested employees matches the number of available postions, then no election will be held. These people will just be appointed to the Staff Council to serve a three year term.

If you would like to go ahead and add your name to our list of interested employees for future Staff Council openings, please let us know via our Contact Us page.

Serve the community

Staff employees are an important part of the Mercer community, and Mercer is an important part of our local communities. In response to the University's Mission Statement, the Staff Council facilitates opportunities for staff to serve. For 2016, we have chosen particular organizations to support:

Macon campus: The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) of Central Georgia

Below are ways that you can serve by supporting this organization:RMH pull tab container

  • At any time: How You Can Help (web page with numerous links for donating, volunteering, etc.)
  • In your break room or at home: Pull Tab Collection (containers have been placed on campus)